Seth Canner
Eley Willams
Narrow and Green Heidi Howell
Chris Pillette
Tumble of Words Reuben Canning Finkel
Curtis Donovan
Chris Pillette
Sarah Weeks
Trompe l’œil: Eight Kinds of Shade
S.R. Aichinger
A Cup of Water and a Rose Stav Poleg
Fictional Salt Brooke June
Weak in Wait Svetlana Sterlin
Nathan Hassall
Stav Poleg
Whitney Kerutis
The Raven Andrew McIntosh
Rebecca Bird
How Quietly Can You Rejoice? Bailey Cohen
Bailey Cohen
Jill Pajka
Thoughts on Marriage Meghan Chou
Elizabeth Ellen
T.D. Walker
J. Adam McGalliard
Rebecca Bird
The Part of Me That's A Jewish Poet
Elvira Basevich
At Two Years Old My Mother... Daniel Blokh
Recipient of the Projector Poetry Prize
Tarik Dobbs
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
J. Adam McGalliard
Art Is What You Can Get Away With
Elizabeth Ellen
Charles Leipart
T.D. Walker
Curtis Donovan
Reuben Canning Finkel